Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day!  In lieu of being the last day of February, I thought I'd give a little update on my February goals! Drum roll, please...
I completed all 7 of them!

1. Make and decorate Valentine cookies and/or cupcakes

My mom, grammy, and I made the cutest pink, red, and white heart shaped cookies! (They were quite delicious, too!)

2. Don't drink soda

Y'all...I haven't had soda since the New Year has began! I have to say, I'm quite proud of this accomplishment because I used to drink way too much soda & now I don't even crave it!  I am curious to see how long I will keep this up!

3. Send Valentine cards to friends and family

I love sending cards to people, and sending them a little love for Valentine's day was no exception!

4. Volunteer somewhere new

I began volunteering at a local elementary school each Wednesday helping with their after school program.  It is so fun and the kids are great!!!  

5. Go shopping for spring break

This was not hard to do...

6. Get a head start on spring- cleaning

I organized all my dresser drawers!

7. Run 3 miles without stopping

This was a stretch for me, but I did it! 3.56 miles to be exact!

Did you guys set and meet any goals? I'd love to hear about them!
Enjoy today, xo!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Catch Up!

Hey guys!  I hope your week is going great - half way through woohoo! 

Lately school has been going really good, but I find myself counting down the days until spring break!! (Currently 23 days, if you were wondering!) I'm super excited because I've never went on a spring break trip, but this year my family and I are heading to Marco Island, Florida!  Some nights I can't even fall asleep because I'm so excited and lay awake mentally making my packing list! 

As ya'll know, last weekend was Valentine's Day and two of my seven February goals were to make and decorate Valentine cupcakes or cookies and to send Valentines to family and friends.  I'm excited to share with you that I did both of those - here is a picture of the adorable cookies my mom, grammy, and I decorated: 
We had so much fun!

So far I'm doing good with my other February goals, and I'll be sure to let you know at the end of the month if I've accomplished them all.  

I hope you guys have a great rest of the week, and a fun weekend! I know I'm definitely looking forward to the warmer weather that we are supposed to have Friday and Saturday!


Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Inspiration

I'm a huge Pinterest lover, and lately I've been finding myself browsing through Pinterest any chance I get!  There are so many hidden treasures on there and I love all the crafts, foods, fashion, and of course inspirational quotes! Here are some of my favorite pins lately:

I hope y'all have a great weekend! Xo,

Thursday, February 4, 2016

February Goals

This morning I was reading The College Prepster and saw that she does monthly bucket lists! I thought that was such a neat idea in order to keep the month exciting and provides tasks to look forward to in the midst of what could be a draining month of school! So without further ado, here is my list:

Wishing you all a great day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hello February!

It's bound to be a good month because it's the month of LOVE!  I love February for a few reasons:

1) It's a short month! (If you're anything like me, you have already been counting down the days until spring break since the first day of the semester)
2) Valentines Day! I strongly believe that you don't  need a significant other to feel special or make others feel special, and Valentines Day is no different.  It's so fun to share love with everyone!
3) PINK everywhere! I love seeing all the sparkly pink decorations in all the stores! I am a strong contender that pink decorations should be left up year round haha.

Remember, you're so loved! 

"For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

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