Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Feeling Like Fall

 Happy fall y'all! It's officially my favorite time of the year and I (and my mums) are loving the cooler weather! Farming is in full swing, running on these chilly days makes my heart happy, leaves are starting to change, pumpkin spice is everywhere!

I am especially excited this year because it's the first time I get to decorate our forever home with cute fall decor. I have been trying to use pieces that I have had from the past and incorporate other decorations I have already had out too. (So proud of myself for this!) 

I refinished these two white cabinets (previously they were black) and love how they look in our entryways! 

I have yet to finish painting pumpkins yet, a craft I do each year, but am hoping to finish them up this week!

Hope you enjoy this season!


Monday, August 22, 2022

Summer Highlight Reel

Time flies when you're having fun, and this summer was so much fun filled! Here is our summer in photos!


Highlights included - brunch and shopping dates with my girl, picking strawberries and wildflowers, planting flowers on my new porch! We also got pedicures, went for ice cream outings, and I took a few moped rides too!  


In June we attended a wedding, P played t-ball, we enjoyed seeing cousins, I got to hang out with my friends a lot, WE MOVED INTO OUR NEW HOUSE!!, had family over, P took swim lessons, we went to the movies, went shopping, so much fun!


In July, P turned 4! We celebrated the 4th with cousins, went out on a lot of lunch dates, played games, enjoyed so many pretty flowers, had a tea party, went to Chicago for P's bday and she got an American Girl doll, took W to the county fair, and enjoyed getting settled into our forever home! 


August is well underway! We had P's princess birthday party, Celebrated Grammy's 73rd at the Cake Bake Shop, took a day trip to Casey, had a Lake Day, closed on some real estate, went to story time with Cinderella, and picked up a new hobby - GOLF! 

Not pictured is a lot of mowing, sweating, roofing, yard work, laundry, cleaning, and the not-so-glamorous side of every day life! Work hard and enjoy life all the more!

I love my life and everyone in it! 


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