Friday, April 24, 2015

Tribute to Big and Little

I am thankful beyond words that Delta Zeta has given me such a wonderful sisterhood, friends, and especially my perfect big and precious little.  They deserve so much recognition simply because they're the BEST!


The day I found out Mikayla was my big, I was so beyond happy!!
However, I never could have imagined what a large role she would have in my life. We are so much alike - basically twins! We have the same major, same favorite restaurants, TV shows, hobbies, sense of humor, and style - oftentimes accidentally wearing the same outfit:
You can always find us laughing about anything and everything, shopping, and obsessing over Lilly Pulitzer.  Mikayla is so positive, caring, and loving. I am so thankful for her and the laughter and fun she adds to my life. She always makes me feel loved and included in everything, and always makes herself available if I need anything at all. I don't know what I would do without her!!


I knew Jenn would be the sweetest little when I met her going through recruitment and again on bid day - she was so full of smiles and joy. I knew she would be the perfect addition to our DZ family, and she totally is! 
Our personalities just seemed to click and she adds such a sparkle to my life. I wish we could have spent more time together this semester - but you will always little no matter where life takes us.  Maybe I am biased, but Jenn is the definition of a perfect little.

So basically, thank you Mikayla and Jenn for being the best I could have ever asked for - I love you both so much!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to Enjoy the Weather

I absolutely can not get enough of this sunny and beautiful weather!  Although I can't be outside every second of the day, there are plenty of ways to soak up spring time:

Study outside

There's no reason to study or do homework inside when you could be doing the same outside.  Find a table or a lawn chair and bask in the glorious sunshine!

Go for a run

Exercising outside is so much better in my opinion - there is so much to explore and look at instead of staring at the time and distance on a treadmill.  It's fun to run in new places, especially with God's beauty all around in the blooming of the trees and flowers!

Iced tea

Seems so summery, and I love it! My favorite drink at Starbucks (or any coffee shop) this spring is unsweet iced tea with vanilla flavoring - YUM!

Bike ride

Thankfully my bike survived the harsh winter that I left it outside during (oops). Bike rides are perfect - exercise, fun, and enjoyable!

Enjoy the flowers

Don't hurry, don't worry, and don't forget to stop and smell the flowers - they're beautiful!

Xoxo! Love,

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Spring & What it Means to Me

I am thankful that spring is in full swing - warm and sunny one day, rainy and cloudy the next.  I love it, but I especially love the flowers and hearing the birds chirp in the morning!
I think that spring is so symbolic because with the blooming of flowers and the budding of the trees, we see a transformation.  The dead of winter to the life of spring.  To me, this illustrates how we are transformed and made new through Jesus.  As we just celebrated the Easter season, I find myself reflecting more on how Jesus continues to make me new, how he completely loves and forgives me, and how without him I would never be fulfilled.
Just as we see the the beauty of nature, we also see the beautiful life we have because of Jesus!

Happy Spring!
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