Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Early Morning Exercise

I don't know about you, but I always feel accomplished all day long if I work out in the morning.  Early mornings and late evenings are about the only time in Southern Illinois that it's cool enough to workout outside, and since evenings can fill up quickly with fun plans, it's easy to choose doing something fun over exercising then!  Working out in the morning gets it out of the way and puts a check mark in the box for the day, before the day has really even started!

That being said, sometimes it can be SO difficult to wake up at 5:45 or 6:00 (or even 7:00)!  Here are some ways I've found that help me wake up and get going:

1. Set your shoes and clothes out the night before

Having everything ready makes it simple to find all the necessities when you first wake up.  Make sure to have your headphones and a water bottle ready to go too!

2. Put your alarm on the across the room

I use my phone for my alarm, and while I prefer to have it on my nightstand, I'm prone to hit snooze or even turn my alarm off unconsciously.  If it's on the other side of the room, I physically have to get up to turn it off - which reduces the chances that I won't fall back asleep.

3. Make a playlist

Music can add so much fun and energy to a workout - and if you have a playlist that you're excited about listening to, this will make it easier to get up too!

4. Go to bed early

Okay, well maybe not early (it is summer after all!) But going to bed at a decent hour makes it easier to wake up because of plenty of rest.

Hopefully these help you get up and get going! 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day of Celebration

Hi all! As you may know, today is Father's Day, the first day of summer, AND National Wear Your Lilly Pulitzer Day! Such a fun day with so much to celebrate!

Happy Father's Day to all the #1 Dad's out there! I know that without my dad, I wouldn't be the person I am today.  My dad has taught me so many valuable life lessons - from the importance of having a strong work ethic, to how to treat others with respect, and everywhere in between.  I am forever thankful and blessed that my perfect heavenly father gave me such a loving and caring earthly father! 

With the first day of summer comes National Wear Your Lilly Day ~ which is SO fun! (Even though every day should be wear your Lilly day in my opinion!!!)  I love summer and I love Lilly! Today was sunny (finally, after a rainy week) and nice and hot too.  I wore my yellow First Impressions fit and flare dress - it's one of my absolute favorites.  
Lilly Pulitzer is offering free gifts with purchase in honor of this celebratory day! Check them out here - a free necklace with any spend, and a free sticky note set with $150! (I am a paper fanatic, so it's taking some willpower to refrain from ordering!) Free gifts are a good reason to buy what you have your eye on though - (and because new prints came out last week!)

I hope y'all are enjoying this day! Xoxo,

Friday, June 12, 2015

Rain Rain Go Away

The forecast is calling for rain and storms all week! Rainy days can be fun every once in a while, but I thought it would be smart to brainSTORM some fun things to do incase the weather channel is right and it does rain:

Read a Book
I have quite a few books I want to read this summer, but I haven't really made the time to even start them yet.  Summer is the perfect time to read (for fun) since there aren't a million textbooks and lectures to read during school.  A rainy day and a book sound like a great way to spend a day.

Have a Movie & Popcorn Day with Friends
Of course days are best spend with friends, so why not invite yours over for a movie party? Netflix has so many great options of course!  Chick flicks are my choice all the way.

I think crafts are always fun - and if you're in a sorority, then it's never too early to start crafting for your little or grand little!  Or maybe you want to paint a canvas to start planning decorations for your dorm room or apartment next year.  When it comes to crafting, the opportunities are endless.

I love baking! When I made my summer fun to do list at the beginning of the summer, one of the things I put on my list is "Pinterest Recipes."  (Link to my Pinterest boards here!) I always pin desserts that look sooo yummy, but when it's sunny and warm out, I don't think about being inside.  A rainy day could double as a baking day (And if you don't want to eat all the sweets, I am sure your friends would be happy to take some off your hands - It would be fun to deliver treats them to friends and neighbors!)  These are some on my list lately:

Clean or Organize
Okay this option might not be "fun," but when the weather forces you to be inside, might as well make the most of is and clean your room or organize your closet or unpack those boxes that have been sitting in your basement ever since you got home from college...Oops!

Let me know if you have any other ideas! 

Friday, June 5, 2015

National Donut Day

National Donut Day is a day that should be celebrated, and I couldn't let today go by without making some homemade donuts!  I remember when I was young, I would make these donuts with my great grandma - she would do the frying and I would sit on the counter and roll them in sugar or powered sugar. Such a good memory I have with her!
I used the same recipe that we always used, and the great thing about it is that it's super easy! Heat 1 quart of oil to 360 degrees, take Pillsbury biscuits, cut a hole in the center with a small cookie cutter, plop the donuts in for 30 to 45 seconds on each side, roll in sugar, and there you have it - homemade and delicious donuts!
As you can see from the pictures, they didn't last long!  My family ate them up as soon as they got home (leaving a trail of sugar all over the kitchen!)  I hope you've had just as much fun celebrating National Donut Day as I have!

Monday, June 1, 2015


This past weekend I traveled to Ann Arbor, Michigan to visit friends that I met last summer (it was our one year friendaversary!)  Even though it was a rainy weekend, we had so much fun and the campus of the University of Michigan is beautiful.  I especially loved all the downtown shops, restaurants, and quaint cafes (and the beautiful hydrangeas)!

I am so glad I got to spend a weekend with these precious friends and hear all about the amazing ways God is working in their lives. 

Also, happy June!!! Lilly says it best:

Xoxo, love,
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