Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Snow Day!

Actually there isn't any snow, so today is more like a "cold" day.  With frigid sub-zero temperatures hitting the midwest, in conjunction with the wind chill factor, many schools in my area were cancelled for today. It's always so nice to have an unplanned day off, and definitely one of many perks of being a teacher! 

Do you ever feel like you have so many little tasks on your to do list that you need to do, but you can never find the time (or energy) to do them? I definitely do.  In fact, I have often found myself thinking how I just need a day where I can pause the world around me and just get. stuff. done.  Today feels like one of those days, and I'm so grateful.

I finally have time to sit down and drink multiple cups of coffee while lounging in comfortable clothes, researching topics that have been on my mind, making phone calls that I've needed to make for months (like making a long overdue dentist appointment...oops), getting in a long workout, journaling, reading, making cookies just for fun, taking a nap even! It's a day for catching up and for self care, and I'm all about it.  Now I'm able to not only feel refreshed for the remainder of the week, but also to feel satisfied and pleased with getting those little things finally crossed off my to do list!


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Beating the Blues

If you've made it this far, then you are doing good because you beat the bluest day of the year, known as Blue Monday, which generally falls on the third Monday of January. I actually had not heard about Blue Monday until this year, but I did some research and how true it seems!  The day is supposedly calculated via mathematical expression that takes into account "weather conditions, debt level, time since Christmas, time since failing our new year's resolutions, low motivational levels, and feeling of a need to take action." (source) It's actually completely made up, but I think it can definitely feel accurate around this time of year.  

Thankfully there is always something to be positive about, even on the long days that seem simply blue.  But for the days where you need an extra dose of happiness, here are a few ideas to try that seem to boost my mood even on the worst days.


Oftentimes with a blue mood comes lack of energy, which means sometimes the LAST thing I want to do is be active. But once the deed is done, I feel so much better and I wonder why I didn't get moving sooner. Even a short workout is better than nothing and can give you the boost you need.

Eat Healthy

There is nothing worse then the sluggish feeling that comes along with too many splurges.  It always helps me to keep on track when I plan ahead.  On Sundays I enjoy figuring out healthy food I can eat for the week, which tends to cuts down on the temptation to grab something unhealthy.  When I know I ate well, I feel better!

Go on a Trip

Or at least plan a trip! It's rare that I go too long without having something planned, however I am itching to plan my next trip and am hoping to make use of some long weekends coming up.  Sometimes even just planning a little trip gives me excitement and the extra push of motivation I need to make it through the cold and dark days.

Pick up a Hobby

In the evenings during the winter I tend to feel lethargic and sleepy, so I have started painting, baking, journaling, and reading.  These are just a few ideas to add a little fun to your evening without requiring too much energy.

Rest assured, spring is on the way! I am already so exciting because it is staying light longer. Before you know it, the weather will be warmer, birds will be chirping, flowers will be blooming, and the sun will be shining!  Until then, try these ideas to give you the extra pep you need.


Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 Goals

I'm back to reality after a week of paradise and fun adventures. I am already impressed with how the year is going thus far, and at this rate it is going to be fantastic.

I made time to brainstorm and narrow down my goals for the year, and am encouraged to make a plan to attain them also. Because, after all, a goal without a plan is just a wish.  

1. Travel to at least 5 new countries and 3 new states.
2. Spend as much time in Italy as possible.
3. Journal consistently.
4. Average 5 blog posts a month. 
5. Workout at least 4 times a week and do a 10K.
6. Send at least one card each month.
7. Invest in more real estate.

Let's make it a great 2019!


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy 2019!

Happy New Year!

Three days in to the new year and I have yet to sit down and write out what I would like to accomplish this year. However, it's okay because I am still trying to wrap my head around all the blessings, adventures, and people that God let me enjoy in 2018.  

I have said before that I am not a reflective person, but I think that is changing/has changed.  This past year one of my unwritten goals for myself was to enjoy each moment to the fullest, cherishing it while it was happening and thinking about it afterwards.  This has made me truly appreciate my life more and has made many things more meaningful and special. I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, and I do not want to simply go through the motions of each day without appreciating daily the blessings I have. 

In the beginning it was hard for myself to take the time to reflect about occurrences and how they made me feel, but as time went by it has become more natural. Fast forward one year, and I am constantly finding myself still thinking about little things that happened that made me joyful and excited, or things that upset or hurt me.  More than anything, being reflective has made me SO (seriously, SO) sentimental. 

I am so emotional about leaving 2018 in the past, because it might have been my best year to date, but I am looking forward to discovering what is it store for 2019.  When thinking back to the beginning of last year, I had absolutely NO idea what was going to happen throughout the year. And now looking back, God truly provided so many things that were better than my hopes and expectations. Now as I am here at the beginning of this year, again with absolutely NO idea what will happen this year, I cant help to look forward with excitement and trust that the plans God has for this year are beyond my wildest imagination.

So far, it's off to a great start in the Dominican Republic!

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