Monday, December 14, 2015

Finals Week

Finals week is here! I put together a list of some tips that might help you succeed this week:

1. Pray - God cares about you fully, and he cares about every single detail of you life, including your exam week! Pray and ask God to help you and calm your stress, and you will be glad you did!

2. Organize - I personally don't get anything done unless I organize everything.  Organize what you need to study and the process is bound to go much easier!

3. Eliminate distractions - Yes, this could even mean leaving your phone at home when you go to the library!  It's so easy for me to get distracted by social media, Pinterest, and Netflix, but when you're able to focus you'll feel much more accomplished!

4. Take breaks - If you think you don't have time for a break, make time.  You deserve it!  Whether your idea of a break is getting coffee, taking a nap, or even making a quick trip to the mall, you'll find that when you return to studying that your brain is refreshed and ready to go again!

5. Workout & Eat healthy - This makes such a difference, especially in the way you feel.  Unhealthy food and an inconsistent workout schedule make me feel bogged down and even affects my mood.  It's crucial to feel your best during finals week so you can do your best!

6. Do your best - This may be an obvious one, but it's important to put in some effort and try hard.  Remember this verse:

7. Relax - Finals week can be stressful if you let it be, but relax! It's not the end of the world if you don't ace an exam.  There are much more important things in life.

I hope these tips help & good luck on your finals!

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