Friday, July 6, 2018

I miss...

the challenges and joys of living in a different country.

the beautiful Italian language.

my beautiful and kind Italian families, friends, and students.

seeing people slow down and enjoy the sweetness of life.

meeting new people.

pedestrian only streets lined with cafes and coffee shops.

old, colorful (pink), charming and adorable buildings.

the Wednesday market in town.

close proximity to so many neat places.

the. food. oh my goodness the food.

gelato from the sweetest couple at my favorite gelato shop.

espresso all. the. time. 

my favorite running route by the canal.

my life when I was there.


It's been almost 2 months since I returned and feeling more dramatic nostalgic as ever for Italy.

I think my biggest fear is that not only I will forget Italy, but that Italy will forget me.  I can only hope and pray that the relationships made can endure time and distance before we meet again. And I know they will, so now is the time to be thankful and appreciative and overjoyed for the memories and experiences; to enjoy the here and now where God has me for this moment, and to look forward to what is ahead.  Easier said than done, but life goes on and God's plans will prevail.  He is so good.
This week I am going to pray and try so hard to have a better attitude and a more positive outlook on each day.  This is something that has always came easy to me, because I know that each day is a precious gift from God.  Sadly even though I know that, lately it's seemingly takes so much effort.  And I believe that it's okay not to be okay all the time, but I don't think for a minute that any time should be wasted not enjoying the blessings of this life.

May joy from the Lord abound,

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