Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spring Cleaning

I love spring for many reasons, but one reason is because of the freshness and new start it brings! I will never be a minimalist (no matter how I try or want to be, it's just not in the cards for me), and could never see myself completing a full on Marie Kondo type of clutter "cleanse."  But, I do think that there is such satisfaction that comes along with organizing and getting rid of the things that we no longer want or need or that doesn't bring us JOY.

Of course my closet closets need purged of shoes, purses, and clothes I no longer wear. Of course I should dust under all my picture frames and vacuum under my bed.  But that's not the only type of spring cleaning that is on my to-do list this season.  The ones that I have already began to focus on this season relates to the cleaning of my social media profiles, computer files, and, the one that is bound to be very time consuming, my camera roll. But, even still, there is a type of spring cleaning that is even more important...

Social Media

I love social media as much as the next person, my favorite being Instagram, but goodness it is a time waster.  So often I scroll through posts and skip through stories because I have no desire or interest in some of the pages I follow anymore.  Why repeatedly do this? Follow people or pages that are interesting and relevant to you, and you will notice that you're automatically spending less time on Instagram because you wont have to waste time going past the pictures you really enjoy! Also I am taking this season to check my own profile and scroll down and delete old pictures that I once thought were a good idea. Same with Facebook... "Who is that?" is a common question I ask myself if I ever choose to scroll on Facebook anymore.  I literally do not know where some of my Facebook friends came from, nor do I know when, where, or if I ever met them in real life. Do I really need to be Facebook friends with people I don't care about/don't care about me? No, not really.  Again, I also used this Facebook purge as a time to double check what photo albums were public and what ones I had set to private. While I don't want to delete them, no one needs to see my embarrassing high school or college albums.

Camera Roll/Computer Files

For some reason, I can not just take one picture. I have to take 25-100 and then choose my favorites. Then I never take the time to delete the ones I don't like, so I am left with a camera roll full of the so many of the same photos from different angles! Not only is this an issue on my phone, but also my computer.  While it might be overwhelming, I plan to go through these and get rid of the less than stellar angled shots.  At the same time, I have so many old text threads and files on my computer that are doing nothing but taking up space.  I never go through old text threads, and I probably will never ever need the essays I wrote my freshman year of college...or sophomore, junior, or senior for that matter. Think of all the space they are taking up!  


After thinking about all my de-cluttering I need to do, thinking of the bag of clothes and pile of shoes I will have to donate/sell, cleaning up who I am following on social media and what I are presenting to others, and clearing up some space on my phone/computer, I took a step back and thought: Wow, if I have these many things cluttering my room, my social media, my phone and computer, how many more things are cluttering my heart? Life is busy, life is full of things to do and stuff to buy, and this and that, but what is important in life? It's not things and stuff. It's not what you have in your closet or how many followers you have or how many likes you get or even about getting just the right angle on a photo. It's so much more. LOVE is what life is about. It's about love that comes from the Lord. It's about how do you take his love and extend it to others! I don't know about you, but my heart is the real thing in need of spring cleaning.  I need to rid myself of all the unimportances, of all the time and mind and heart consuming things that simply do not matter, because truly these are nothing but mere things.  God is love, and He is what is important.  Let's rid our lives of things, and fill it with the One who loves us relentlessly.
Happy spring. You are loved.


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