Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Summer Dreams Come True

It's been almost a year since I left bella Italia, and I haven't quite been myself since. I fell in love, haha no, not the cliche romance with a handsome Italian man, but with Italy itself! With the lifestyle, the culture, the people, places, language, food, gelato, spritz, espresso, the colors and charm. Tutti. All. Everything. I don't know how to say it without sounding dramatic, but I am being truthful when I say that not a day has passed since I returned that I haven't thought about Italy in some way, shape, or form. Every. Day. I feel such a desire and pull to be there.

Leaving Italy broke my heart.  It tore me apart the way a breakup does when it comes out of left field and you're left with no reason or explanation as to why the relationship ended.  That was me: I felt like I had to break up with Italy for no reason (other than an expired visa).

This year has been quite difficult in many ways and for various reasons. I've felt tied down with commitments that haven't allowed me to return back to where I wanted to be. I had a taste of living in Italy, and I wasn't ready to end that short and sweet time in my life. This led to much researching of how to return and what to do when there. Enter the answer to my prayers. This summer I am so excited to be going to Italy and teaching English summer camps with ACLE!  Each camp will last for a week or two and then I will move to a different location, living with an Italian family each week and savoring each moment of the Italian lifestyle that I came to love! I can't think of a better way to spend my summer and am so thankful to God that I get to do this.

What will happen after the summer ends? Will I be ready to come home? Will I want to stay longer? What will happen? I don't have any answers to these questions. It's almost like starting at square one again. But, as my best friend reassured me, this is what being in our twenties is about. It's about figuring out life and what we want to do and where we want to be. It's about trying new things and failing until we find success. It's about pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone and growing because of it. It's about being bold and courageous and taking leaps of faith even when it's scary and unknown.  If I don't go back to Italy, I won't know what could be. I'm going with an open mind and trying not to have any expectations, but just be very excited and open for a new and bound to be wonderful experience!

I can't wait to take you along with me on this adventure!


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