Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall Getaway

This past weekend I had the chance to attend Fall Getaway with Cru, a Christian ministry on campus.  Leading up to the weekend I was excited to have a chance to be with friends, enjoy the fall weather, take a break from school and obligations, and spend time worshiping God and growing in my relationship with Him. 
It was such a good weekend and it started my week of so well.  Throughout the week, I began to process what I had learned - God taught me so much about myself and showed me how much a truly do need Him every single day.  Sometimes I think that I can conquer each day without His help and I try time and time again to rely on my own strength.  The thing is, I always fail.  Always.  I am so so thankful for a Savior who never fails me.  He has me in the palm of His hands, and He promises He won't let go.
Another thing God revealed to me was that I have not been making our relationship a priority.  I have not spent time daily in The Word or in prayer or trying to grow closer.  This results in me not feeling super close or connected with God.  One certain verse has been in my head all week, and that is James 4:8, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  When I feel distant to God, this reminds me that when I spend time with him daily, always striving to love Him more and to learn more, I will feel closer to Him.
What an truly Awesome God we serve.  
Xoxo, God Bless!


  1. I never get away much in the fall, but it sounds like a good idea!

  2. It definitely is a good idea! I encourage you to try to getaway and do a fun fall activity!


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