Tuesday, January 9, 2018

2018 Goals

Since the term "New Year's Resolutions" come with such a negative connotation and understanding that they are bound to be broken, I opt to create goals and aspirations for the New Year instead.  This year, I decided to break up these goals into categories.  


1. Read the Bible and journal consistently

Life gets busy, but I don't want to take away precious time spent with the Lord.  Whether it means waking up earlier or staying awake later, I want to make this of upmost priority in my daily life.

2. Pray intentionally

Definitely wanting to improve my prayer life this year also.  I fully believe in the power of prayer, and am going to try to be better at being more specific when praying.  Thy will be done.


1. Workout regularly 

I honestly do enjoy working out, but I anticipate my schedule to change a lot this year.  From traveling for a few months this spring, having no idea what my schedule will be this summer, and hopefully obtaining a teaching job for the next school year, I know that it will be more difficult to make time for consistent workouts.  Hopefully I will be able to workout at least 5-6 days a week, even if it means squeezing in a short run or hotel room circuit.

2. Complete a triathalon

I've completed two triathlons before and really enjoyed them! And also, I am hoping that having this goal will encourage health goal #1. 

3. Run a half marathon

I did my first half marathon this past May, and while I enjoyed it I think I trained for too long.  I was so burnt out from running that it began to feel like a chore to me instead of something I did for enjoyment.  After taking some time off, I have been getting back into running.  I am eager to find a training plan that lasts for 8-12 weeks instead of the 16 week plan I used previously.  I also want to improve my time from my last half!

4. Drink more water
This will probably never not be a goal of mine.  I could honestly go a whole day without drinking anything before I realize it. Thankfully when I carry a cute water bottle with me, I am more likely to drink it. Loving my Lilly Swell lately!

5. Eat clean foods
I honestly eat healthy most of the time, but I definitely have a sweet tooth. I honestly would probably be 20 pounds lighter if I didn't eat sweets... I hope to keep this goal especially as I travel and find a balance between eating healthy and indulging in authentic and delicious European dishes.


1. Go to 15 - 20 different countries

Did I really just write that?! It makes me so excited to think about. I plan to put my Eurail pass to good use and travel to many different places around Europe.  That being said, I want to ensure that I enjoy each place individually and cherish each moment of the adventure, instead of anticipating the next.

2. Go to 3 - 5 new states

Of course it is on my bucket list to visit all 50 states! Not sure where I will go this year, but spontaneity is a new favorite of mine.


1. Send more cards

Handwritten notes are the way to my heart! I love receiving cards (via snail mail is the best!) and just incase others like it too, I want to send some encouragement their way. Whether it is a postcard, happy birthday, thinking of you, thank you, or just a note to say hello, watch out Hallmark because I can't wait to buy some cute cards and send them out! 

2. Be intentional about getting together with friends

Relationships are hard, especially keeping in touch with friends from college that don't life right down the hall or across the street or even in the same town anymore. Although it takes effort, friendships like those are hard to come by.  I cherish and value my friends so much and definitely want to get together with them more!

3. Be more organized

I consider myself to be very organized, until it comes to my room that is... Why is it so hard for me to hang up my clothes after I try them on? Why do I let my dresser drawers get so messy? Is it really that difficult to fold and stack my t-shirts and sweatshirts? Wouldn't it be easier for me to find my favorite pair of shoes if they're not buried under all my other favorite pairs of shoes? The answer is a resounding yes, but I admit that I sometimes get lazy and tell myself I will put things where they go later (and then I put it off for a few more weeks...) Hopefully I can easily get into the habit of putting my items where they go!

4. Blog 1 - 2 times a week 

After taking a blogging hiatus for what seems like an eternity, I'm back! I can't wait to blog while traveling.  Hoping to be real, and not just present the things in life that are "pretty."  

Happy 2018! Let's make it a great year. 

Lots of love! Xo,

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