Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy 2019!

Happy New Year!

Three days in to the new year and I have yet to sit down and write out what I would like to accomplish this year. However, it's okay because I am still trying to wrap my head around all the blessings, adventures, and people that God let me enjoy in 2018.  

I have said before that I am not a reflective person, but I think that is changing/has changed.  This past year one of my unwritten goals for myself was to enjoy each moment to the fullest, cherishing it while it was happening and thinking about it afterwards.  This has made me truly appreciate my life more and has made many things more meaningful and special. I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed, and I do not want to simply go through the motions of each day without appreciating daily the blessings I have. 

In the beginning it was hard for myself to take the time to reflect about occurrences and how they made me feel, but as time went by it has become more natural. Fast forward one year, and I am constantly finding myself still thinking about little things that happened that made me joyful and excited, or things that upset or hurt me.  More than anything, being reflective has made me SO (seriously, SO) sentimental. 

I am so emotional about leaving 2018 in the past, because it might have been my best year to date, but I am looking forward to discovering what is it store for 2019.  When thinking back to the beginning of last year, I had absolutely NO idea what was going to happen throughout the year. And now looking back, God truly provided so many things that were better than my hopes and expectations. Now as I am here at the beginning of this year, again with absolutely NO idea what will happen this year, I cant help to look forward with excitement and trust that the plans God has for this year are beyond my wildest imagination.

So far, it's off to a great start in the Dominican Republic!


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