Friday, October 9, 2015

Five Things I've Learned from Running

Running: you either love it, hate it, or both!  I used to run a lot in high school, and this year I am finally consistently getting back into it.  Personally, I love running the most when I've finished haha, but there are so many perks to running, and there are also many things a person can learn about life from running.  Here are some things that I have learned: 

1. There are good and bad days
Some days running comes easy:  Your legs are limber, your breathing is good, and your stride perfect.  But on other days you can hardly run a whole minute without stopping and feeling worn out, tight, and like you can't go any farther.  Life can be like this sometimes too.  We have good days and we also have bad days.  Although sometimes the bad days come for no reason, we can look forward to trying again tomorrow and strive to make our bad day the best we can.

2. Alone time is necessary
Personally I enjoy running by myself.  It gives me time to relax, think, and pray.  Praying is definitely one of my favorite things to do when I'm running!  Isn't it so awesome that we can talk to God no matter what we are doing, where we are at, and what time of day it is? 

3.  Running with friends is great
Although I like running alone, running with another person has benefits too!  If they have a faster pace, then you're more prone to work harder to keep up, making you better.  When running with a friend, time seems to go by faster because you have someone to talk to and visit with.  I would not be able to survive without my friends.  They continually challenge me and make me better!

4.  Mind over matter
In life and in running this is so true.  What you think you are capable of is what you will accomplish.  Getting caught up in the trivial matters of the day can affect you a lot when you fail to see the positive in each aspect!

5.  Cheer on the people who pass you
Imagine that you're on a trail run and suddenly someone passes you.  This could be discouraging but it can also be such a good opportunity to encourage and praise them for their hard work!  Maybe they have been working just as hard and they deserve recognition.  There is no need to be bitter or jealous, but rejoice with them in their accomplishments!

There are many other ways to relate running to life, but these are just a few!

P.S. Follow my Instagram account @glorygraceglitter!

Enjoy your weekend! Xoxo,

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