Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Chivasso Carnivale

A couple weeks ago, Chivasso celebrated the final event of Carnivale: a parade! I am still kind of confused about what Carnivale is, but I am sold. One word: CONFETTI!

Instead of throwing candy to the crowd, the people in the parade throw out tons and tons of confetti. It’s so exciting and whimsical! This was considerably the most colorful, fun, and high energy parades I have ever been to.


Although some people get annoyed with being showered in confetti, I loved it and fully embraced it. Also, the floats were incredible in size and color. I can’t imagine the time goes into making them. The parade was such a loud and fun atmosphere, as each float blared music and people of literally all ages who are both in the parade and lining the streets dance and sing along. What a thrill!

Additionally, everyone dresses up in what I can best describe as Halloween outfits. Masks are also a very iconic and traditional accessory for people to wear.


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